Our Family Happy Place

Adam Sandler’s 1996 sports comedy film Happy Gilmore is hilarious but is not recommended viewing by Dads4Kids, due to its profanity. The film’s logline gives enough of an overview:

After his grandmother’s house is repossessed by the IRS, bad-tempered hockey player (Sandler) takes his talents to golf to earn the big bucks and get his grandmother’s house back.

Comedic brilliance from Sandler and the supporting cast ensues, but yes, there are lots of angry outbursts and plenty of silliness. As well as creating several cultural touchpoints, the film popularised the term ‘Happy Place’, something I found myself thinking about recently.

Shortly after meeting my beautiful bride-to-be Jodi in the early 2000s, she informed me that I should also meet her other ‘boy’, a 500kg thoroughbred horse named ‘Psalm’. Being head over heels in love (we still are), I thought this was a great idea. Love is a funny thing indeed.

We drove out to Psalm’s paddock, 20 or so acres that an enterprising horse trainer leased from a local quarry, and for which Jodi and her fellow horsey acquaintances subsequently paid agistment. We walked through the gate, and Jodi, as she’d done 1,000 times before, started calling out ‘Psalm, Psalm…’ in a dulcet, sing-song way that weirdly made me love her even more.

Almost instantaneously, halfway up the sloping paddock, Psalm’s head shot up from where he was happily munching grass with his horse mates. Almost trotting, he made his way toward Jodi and me, neighing gleefully the whole time. Of course, he knew he was about to be fed, but to me, a total horse noob, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Thankfully, Psalm and I became fast friends. Later, Jodi told me about a former boyfriend Psalm had not approved of. Upon them meeting, Psalm had angrily grabbed the young man’s shoulder with his powerful muzzle and flung him violently across the holding yard. He didn’t hang around much longer. Glad I wasn’t that guy!

Making Memories

Over the years Jodi, Psalm and I had plenty of adventures. We rode together and went on picnics, always with plenty of apples and carrots for Psalm. With help from my brothers and a dear family friend, we were able to coax Psalm onto a horse float and I surprised Jodi with a marriage proposal and bareback horse ride on sunset along beautiful 7 Mile Beach on the New South Wales South Coast. Happy place, indeed!

Sadly, around eight years ago, we had to say goodbye to Psalm. By that time, Jodi and I had been blessed with five beautiful daughters and plenty of happy horse memories, but sadly, old age got the better of him.

Considering all the memories, and the fact we have daughters who share Jodi’s love for horses, I had a feeling it was only a matter of time before more equine adventures ensued.

Fast-forward six years, and thanks to plenty of hard work, Jodi’s amazing persistence, and some Divine providence, in late 2022, we were able to begin renting a 1.5-acre horse paddock not far from our home. After even more hard work, patient persistence, Divine providence and some help from family and friends, in 2023, we welcomed River (an Australian stock horse) and Winnie (a Welsh pony) into the family.

What a blessing these two handsome, much-loved four-legged boys have been to the girls and me! Already we’ve had plenty of adventures, and the paddock has become our very own Happy Place. The daily work of caring for our horses and maintaining the paddock has bonded our family together. We look forward to spending time together amidst God’s beautiful creation, and we’ve had many BBQs and fire nights shared together with friends.

Our Family Happy Place it has become, and for that, I am so grateful.


If you can, work towards creating a happy place for your family. Discuss ideas, then start planning and working towards it. Your family happy place could be a screen-free family meal together, a fun bicycle or scooter adventure, or a fancy picnic at your local park. The key is to do it together, and to make it fun! (Dad tip: gather intel from your kids on what THEY love to do.) Do what you can, Dad — you won’t regret it!

Yours for Family Happy Places,
Nathaniel Marsh

P.S. If you’re keen to be equipped and further inspired to create your own family happy place, check out the exciting upcoming opportunities. Our next Courageous Fathering Course starts soon – Book Your Place Today! Also, our special early bird registration price for the Dads4Kids Men’s Leadership Summit, 9-11 August 2024, ends soon on 14 April. Save money — BOOK NOW!


Originally published at Dads4Kids.

By |2024-04-05T20:18:17+10:00April 8th, 2024|Children, Dads, Families|0 Comments

About the Author:

Operations Manager and Qualified Trainer for Dads4Kids, Nathaniel is passionate to see hearts turn to the Father. As a professional filmmaker, Nat worked in advertising and television for 20 years and has been helping Dads4Kids behind the scenes since 2002. Nat has been married to Jodi since 2004, and they have five daughters.

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