LIFEMARK: Must-See Movie

LIFEMARK is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Furthermore, it is definitely the Kendrick brothers’ greatest movie yet! That’s why I am writing to you to encourage you to see LIFEMARK at the movies this week before it disappears from the big screen.

Thankfully, LIFEMARK has only dropped down from 74 screens last week to 54 screens. Sadly, in some of those cinemas, it is only showing once or twice a week. You will have to look hard at the schedules. See a cinema screening list here.

Why am I so passionate to encourage you to see LIFEMARK?

  • LIFEMARK is fabulous family-friendly entertainment. Yes, the movie is about LIFE, but this film is about so much more. LIFEMARK is about family, marriage, fatherhood, motherhood, faith, hope, love, grandfathers, grandmothers, manhood, teenagers and children. There is something for everyone in this movie. You will laugh, cry, smile and be captivated by the brilliant acting, enjoy the great original soundtrack, and be inspired as a man and as a father in the most profound way.
  • LIFEMARK is a true story based on the life of a young man, David Scotton, and his journey to meet his biological parents for the first time. I Lived on Parker Avenue is the name of the documentary. There is something about true stories that make them even better to watch on the big screen. It is not just a story — it is someone’s LIFE!
  • LIFEMARK will so move you that you will want to tell your friends, which might give the movie a chance for a third week in the cinemas! Word-of-mouth is still the best advertisement. I guarantee you will want to tell everyone about this amazing movie after you have seen it!

If you are still not sure, check out what these three well-known writers and family leaders had to say about this epic family-friendly movie.

“I love how LIFEMARK affirms men. It’s the story of a young man and his engaged dad, his supportive grandfather, and his best friend as they step together by faith into an uncertain adventure.”
~ Brian Doyle, Founder and President, Iron Sharpens Iron

“LIFEMARK movie is an incredible true story about a couple who chose life and adopted a child. That child went on to do great things and even reconciled with birth mother and father later in life. This film will touch your heart, marriage, family, and faith. Take a group to see this!”
~ Dr Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages

“Being an adoptive father of an incredible 31-year-old daughter, LIFEMARK is a must-see movie. This true story of a young man’s journey to discover where he came from, and the difference one choice can make on many lives is beyond impactful. If you are like me, you will cry happy tears.”
~ Steve Arterburn, Bestselling Author

Having said all this in praise of the film, the question remains swirling around in my mind. “Warwick, why did this movie touch you so deeply?”  I too, had lots of ‘happy tears’, as Steve Arterburn says so inventively.

This is what I have come up with. Let me put you in the picture.

I really care for families and for the future of our children. The current degradation and derogation of families and family relationships is simply overwhelming. Often, I feel like a man in mourning! Watching this film has given me a renewed hope for the renewal of fatherhood and family life in Australia.

One more thing. It is really important to see this new movie on the big screen. Epic films work better on bigger screens. LIFEMARK is no exception.


You won’t regret seeing this magnificent movie. If for some reason you are unable, why not look up one of the other Kendrick brothers’ family-friendly movies like Courageous or Overcomer or even the new Kendrick brothers’ 2021 documentary called Show Me the Father? Yes, I have given you some options.

However, I would still encourage you to consider doing what you can to see LIFEMARK. It is superlative in every way.  Why not take some family and friends with you to see it? Check here for screening locations now!

Yours for more great movies,
Warwick Marsh

PS: Reserve the date for the Dads4Kids Fun Camp, 11-12 November 2022 here in New South Wales. We are still working on the exact location because of the recent adverse weather. Remember that even if you are not in NSW, you can still organise your very own Dads & Kids Fun Camp with a few of your mates. The recipe is simple. Find a great location where you can camp out and have a campfire with some open area for games suitable for fathers and their kids. Make sure you create some opportunity for adventure and find some willing dads.

The kids are always willing.

You will create memories for your children that will last a lifetime!


First published at Dads4Kids.

By |2022-10-22T09:23:47+10:00October 23rd, 2022|Faith, Families|0 Comments

About the Author:

Warwick Marsh has been married to Alison Marsh since 1975; they have five children and nine grandchildren, and he and his wife live in Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He is a family and faith advocate, social reformer, musician, TV producer, writer and public speaker.

Warwick is a leader in the Men’s and Family Movement, and he is well-known in Australia for his advocacy for children, marriage, manhood, family, fatherhood and faith. Warwick is passionate to encourage men to be great fathers and to know the greatest Father of all. The Father in Whom “there is no shadow of turning.”

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