My Father’s Son: Great New Book on Fathering by Wayne Alcorn

Wayne Alcorn has recently released a new book, "My Father's Son". International speaker and leadership consultant Sam Chand said, “'My Father’s Son' will make you laugh and cry at the same time, inspire and challenge you simultaneously.” I agree with Sam. It really is fantastic!

By |2024-05-17T17:43:30+10:00May 20th, 2024|Dads, Families|0 Comments

Celebrating Australia Day and Honouring Our Indigenous Brothers Who Fought for Australia

We as fathers need to pass on our love for Australia to our children. If we do not, who will? I am not talking about some sort of jingoistic conceit for our country, but a clear and deep love of our nation despite our nation's many weaknesses. Yes, a more

By |2021-05-05T12:04:15+10:00January 24th, 2021|Other Topics|0 Comments
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