One Small Step for Chris Woods – One Giant Trek for Mankind
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” are the immortal words of Neil Armstrong when he stepped onto the moon. Perhaps that is what Chris Woods was thinking when she decided to walk across Australia to help men, and particularly fathers.
I Survived COVID
I survived COVID, and so will 99.98% of Australians. These are my predictions based on the Australian COVID death rates for the last two years and current projections. Believe me, Australia’s 0.02% death rate is better than most of the world. We have more
Happy International Women’s Day
Benjamin Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” That is the case between men and women today. We have a choice. We either end the Gender War, or lose our unique identity as men and women more
Celebrating Australia Day and Honouring Our Indigenous Brothers Who Fought for Australia
We as fathers need to pass on our love for Australia to our children. If we do not, who will? I am not talking about some sort of jingoistic conceit for our country, but a clear and deep love of our nation despite our nation's many weaknesses. Yes, a more
No Regrets
Byrd Bagget says, “Work hard, do your best, live the truth, trust yourself, have some fun... and you will have no regrets.” Only twelve more sleeps till Christmas. All the more reason to live life with no regrets. Warwick, why are you talking about n more
Combatting the Coronavirus
The team at Dads4Kids takes a deep interest in men’s health. Having worked closely with Professor John MacDonald in 2007, we were successful in getting a national Men’s Health Policy across the line in Federal Parliament. Furthermore, we include a co more
Three Things a Father Can Do in the Midst of the Coronavirus
If you are a Dad, it is hard not to feel a bit overwhelmed at the present moment. The coronavirus news seems to beat down at us from every quarter. Our children and our wives are looking to us for leadership in the midst of our current situation. Wha more