Father Jailed for Trying to Protect his Children

David Parker simply asked his school, that he be notified when the teachers discussed homosexuality and transgenderism with his 5-year-old son in kindergarten. David Parker then calmly refused to leave the school premises until he received an answer to his reasonable request. All he wanted was to allow his children to ‘opt out’ of such politically correct nonsense.

For his trouble, the school had David Parker arrested and put in jail overnight.

In November 2003, homosexual marriage was brought in by legal fiat in Massachusetts and imposed on an unwilling populace. The effects were devastating as documented by Brian Camenker in his video, ‘What same sex marriage has done to Massachusetts’. The jailing of David Parker in 2005 was just one of hundreds of human rights violations that resulted from the redefinition of marriage in Massachusetts. See this video below for David’s story.

 Everyone is talking about equality, but few people are prepared to talk about the consequences of redefining marriage. The reality is that everywhere homosexual marriage has been introduced parents have been bullied, coerced and even jailed for trying to protect their children from such gender bending ideologies.

Here in Australia the Safe Schools Program has been exposed as extreme Marxist Feminist ideology. George Christiansen MP exposed the deceitful nature of this Orwellian named ‘Safe Schools Program’ in his ground-breaking speech in parliament on 24 February 2016 and the paedophile influence of some of its originators. Since then it has been all downhill for the safe school homosexual and feminist indoctrination plan.

Mark Latham’s video ‘Census shows why Safe Schools Program Must Go’ with 19,383 views is perhaps the most considered, followed by Independent Man’s video ‘NSW Dumps Safe Schools’ with 15,929 views. Two other guys are worth noting, but they do use a lot of colourful language to explain their point of view. I don’t endorse their language but they certainly call a spade, a spade, in no uncertain terms. Gary Orsum’s ’The Unsafe Marxist Schools Program’ with 12,960 views and Jim Faze’s biting critique called ‘Safe Schools Coalition’ with 24,883 views. In all my years in the building industry I have heard worse, but the rough and abusive language that Suit Yourself uses in his expose on Safe Schools, with 26,794 views, is definitely over the top, but his arguments against this indoctrination of our children are still valid.

Lyle Shelton is the CEO of ACL and part of the Coalition for Marriage team who are making a stand against the redefinition of marriage in Australia. Lyle said that the plebiscite is not about same-sex marriage but about freedom of speech and the forced introduction of safe school’s ideology on our children.

Two weeks ago, a mother raised her concerns about the Safe School’s Program in Victoria in a viral video that has now had over 4 million views, and she was then featured on The Bolt Report.  Steve Burgen, a concerned father of three, also from Victoria, shares his concerns about the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism on a YouTube video as many other Australian parents have done.

So what is the difference between what David Parker did in 2005 in Massachusetts, objecting to the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism to our children, and Australian parents like Steve Burgen and the Political Posting Mummy objecting to the same thing in 2017?

There is only one reason that David Parker was put in jail for his protest but Australian parents have not yet been put in jail.

That one reason is that homosexual marriage is not yet legislated in Australia, but it was in Massachusetts. We must make a stand before it is too late.

In America, others have gone to jail since the legalisation of homosexual marriage. The county clerk, Kim Davis, spent 5 nights in jail because her conscience wouldn’t allow her to support the forced imposition of something she did not believe in. Every nation where homosexual marriage has been introduced has suffered human right’s violations, free speech has been limited and in some cases extinguished all together.

Lyle Shelton is right, the postal plebiscite on homosexual marriage is a referendum on free speech and the forced promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism to our children. We must make a stand for our children because our children are our future.


Do your own research about this important subject. Bill Muehlenberg’ s video on the consequences of homosexual marriage is a good place to start.

You could also check out Katy Faust’s new website www.thembeforeus.com which gives stories from motherless and fatherless children and the pain they have experienced. Katy Faust appeared on Q&A and shared her story at a Voice 4 Kids Summit in Federal Parliament, promoted by Dads4Kids.

When you do your research, please tell your friends to put our children first in the coming plebiscite, and make your vote count.

Our children are our future

Warwick Marsh

By |2019-09-21T22:50:07+10:00August 12th, 2017|Dads, Marriage, Other Topics|11 Comments

About the Author:

Warwick Marsh has been married to Alison Marsh since 1975; they have five children and nine grandchildren, and he and his wife live in Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He is a family and faith advocate, social reformer, musician, TV producer, writer and public speaker.

Warwick is a leader in the Men’s and Family Movement, and he is well-known in Australia for his advocacy for children, marriage, manhood, family, fatherhood and faith. Warwick is passionate to encourage men to be great fathers and to know the greatest Father of all. The Father in Whom “there is no shadow of turning.”


  1. Lesley Scott August 14, 2017 at 5:03 am - Reply

    Parents have the rights to REFUSE their Children being instructed in homosexuality and I agree it has to be addressed

  2. Max de Mestre-Allen August 14, 2017 at 7:21 am - Reply

    There was no share for this on Facebook and I would like to share it on my Facebook page

  3. Paul Henselin August 14, 2017 at 8:02 am - Reply

    I support you Warwick so does my wife she is candidate for ONE Nation

  4. Tracey Bell Henselin August 14, 2017 at 8:05 am - Reply

    We support you and families. Safe Schools will be banned if One Nation is elected

  5. Garry chellew August 14, 2017 at 1:12 pm - Reply

    I find it hard to believe this government can explain to us how all this sexual deviance and racial deviance is going to improve our lives ?

  6. Ian August 15, 2017 at 12:20 am - Reply

    Do you feel the same about interracial or interfaith marriages? The same arguments were made against them in past decades.

    • Ian August 16, 2017 at 12:14 am - Reply

      Not even close to the same.

  7. Lynette Goodsell August 15, 2017 at 10:19 am - Reply

    This is absolutely disgusting! The world has gone utterly crazy! These little people are just learning the simple good things in life! Let them be kids! Life is complicating enough without you interfering between parents and their children! You make me sick!

  8. Graham Steele August 15, 2017 at 11:13 am - Reply

    We must also address the consequences on same sex marriage regarding adoption and fostering. If it becomes legal then gay couple can insist that they be allowed to adopt and / or foster otherwise it is discrimination. Adoption agencies (many churches) may have their licences cancelled, its CEOs fined and even imprisoned. They say it won’t happen but bring in the next government and it will.

  9. Carmel Hoppe August 16, 2017 at 10:14 pm - Reply

    Sex education is not for schools to teach.. that is the responsibility of parents. Get back to teaching school subjects ..maths , English, history , art, music, poetry, geography, etc. etc….Good manners and behaviour are not for teachers to teach either. This all comes from the home. If children are not conforming to rules that is the parents fault. Bring back religious instruction, when this was taught children learnt the golden rule and treated everyone with respect and the way they wished to be treated. RE did’t hurt anybody but made them consider others. Bullying was not prevelent when that was in place.

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