I have a very close friend who is the managing director and part owner of a large software company with about 80 employees. Although a very busy man he is also a very committed dad, all at the same time. I was invited to his surprise 40th birthday party.
His T-shirt said it all, “The first 40 Years of childhood are always the hardest”. We both played extensively with his new 4 rotor drone because I too have had great difficulty growing up. Toys are a wonderful thing to those who are still growing up. In the light of this statement I could well be growing up till the day I die.
The real highlight of the party was the gift giving and the speech by David, my friend’s 16 year old son. I have named the speech: “Thank You for Being an Amazing Dad”, part of it being the title of this newsletter. The word amazing is used twice in the speech.
Thank you Papa.
Thank you for picking me up even though you’re busy at work.
Thank you for taking the time to spend quality time with us.
Thank you for continuously loving us, even when we mess up and make mistakes.
Thank you for working so hard to provide for food, school and an amazing home for us
Thank you for teaching us how to love God and read His word.
Thank you for being an amazing dad.
I have never felt unloved by your actions cause I know that in everything you do, it’s for the best of me and Alicia.
You have given so much knowledge, wisdom, love and advice to us which is something I can only return through my own success.
May God improve Papa in business, character, wisdom and faith.
And may Papa’s life after 40 be a blast.
And before I end my speech, let’s pray for my Dad.
This is an amazing speech for an amazing dad and just in case you thought such dads are figments of children’s overactive imagination read AC Fowlers excellent article in Business Insider about 8 amazing DADs called Dads Kicking Butt at Being Dads
“For a long time, psychologists focused on the important bond between mothers and their children. But recent studies suggest that a child’s bond with his or her father is equally as fundamental to a child’s well-being.
Just being there will help a child’s development, but some dads go above and beyond — like these gentlemen — from whom we can all learn something.
- This dad designs amazing Disney costumes for his kids to wear.
Nephi Garcia was a couture fashion designer before turning his focus to making costumes. He started posting pictures of the insanely accurate Disney costumes he created for his wife and three kids on Facebook and Instagram.
He says cosplay brings his entire family together. Check out video about Designer Daddy.
- This dad invented a workout tool so he could spend less time at the gym and more time with his kids.
Brent Kruithof was tired of always going to the gym to workout, so he invented the Flyup, a home fitness grip that would allow him to still get a good workout while also spending more time with his family, including his two kids, Gio and Decker. A clip he posted of his new family workout went viral. Check out video about Kruithof here.
Brent Kruithof – Family Friendly FlyUp Fitness Machine
- This dad started ‘breastfeeding’ his baby girl when his wife returned to work.
When Chris Allen’s wife went back to work shortly after giving birth, he cut a whole in his tank top and inserted his new daughter’s bottle to create the illusion of breastfeeding.
Check out Allen’s innovative way of ‘breastfeeding’ his baby here.
- This dad turned an IKEA bed into a hidden playhouse.
Eric Strong transformed a simple IKEA bed into the coolest fortress for his son. The bed comes complete with awesome lights, an internal pulley contraption and when you pull down on one of the books on the bookshelf, it opens a secret door.
Watch our video on Strong’s IKEA skills here.
- This dad went to the store to buy his daughter pads – the struggle was real.
A woman in the UK asked her dad to buy her sanitary towels from the store, and he had a pretty tough time finding the right ones. As he walked up and down the aisles he texted his daughter, who gave him detailed instructions on which pads she needed.
She posted the hilarious conversation on Facebook.
- This dad found a brilliant new way to do his daughter’s hair.
Doug Marcoux got really creative when tasked with getting his daughter ready for the day. He used a vacuum cleaner to create the perfect ponytail, without a stray hair in sight. Check out the video here.
- This dad built a grass toboggan for his kids.
Jacob Strickling is an Australian science teacher with a successful YouTube channel called Make Science Fun. He wanted to find a way to make mowing the lawn more exciting for his kids. So he grabbed two old snowboards and created what he calls the ‘grass toboggan’ and connected it to the back of his lawn mower. Watch the video here.
- This single dad does insane acrobatic tricks with his son.
Wayne Skovington is a Cirque du Soleil performer who is getting his son in on the family business. Skovington’s Instagram is full of the two doing awesome acrobatic tricks.
BONUS! This whole group of dads boogie with their babies.
These dads are bonding with their little ones through dance. They participated in the ‘babywearing’ dance class at GroovaRoo in San Diego.
Check out the adorable video here.
Amazing dads just don’t happen by chance. That’s why Dads4Kids is inviting you to be part of an exciting “Dads Making a Difference Webinar” which will be held at 8PM this Thursday night 23 June 2016. We will be making some exciting announcements about the future activities of Dads4Kids and hear from some Amazing Dads who are making a difference. One of those Dads is Brian Molitor from Malachi Global in the USA who will be sharing about global developments in the Fatherhood Movement and his own exciting story as a fatherhood educator. The next email you receive will have all the details.
Yours for more Amazing Dads
Warwick Marsh
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